Standard BMR Calculator

BMR is the short form of the term “Basal Metabolic Rate”.

This is the most advanced BMR Calculator (Basal Metabolic Rate- Calculator). Here, you can calculate the most precise value of Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR).

BMR Calculator





Male Female

Find the calories you burn as per your lifestyle,

Choose your life style
Sedentary lifestyle (Little or No Exercise)
Lightly Active (Exercise 1-3 Times a Week
Moderately Active (Exercise 3-5 Times a Week)
Very Active (Intense Exercise 6-7 Times a Week)
Extremely Active (Very Hard Exercises Daily or a Physical Job

About Our BMR Calculator

This calculator is based on the Revised Harris-Benedict Equation which is considered one of the most advanced formulas to find BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate).

You can also check your daily calories burn as per your lifestyle.

If you want to know everything about BMR then you can read the information provided below.

Please consult your doctor before taking any steps related to the value of your BMR.

1. What is Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR)?

Your body burns calories to perform certain basic functions even when you are resting and for that, it needs a certain amount of calories.

The minimum number of calories that your body needs to perform these basic (basal) functions when you are resting is called BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate).

Such basic functions are,

  • Breathing
  • Blood Circulation
  • Muscle Contraction
  • Controlling Temperature
  • Absorption of Nutrients
  • Production of cells
  • Basic Brain & Nerve Function
  • Heart Beating
  • Functioning of the Vital Organs (kidney, lungs, liver, intestine, etc.)

These functions are very important to sustain your life.

In short, BMR is a minimum number of calories required for basic functions at rest.

That means you have to intake at least this many calories even if you do nothing.

The basal metabolic rate accounts for about 60 to 75% of the daily calorie usage by individuals.

BMR Calculator (Basal Metabolic Rate)

2. Why You Should Know Your BMR to Be Fit?

Your BMR value can help you a lot if you want to increase, decrease, or maintain your weight.


You can calculate the value of how many calories you burn daily as per the activity of your life from your BMR value.

Now, if you want to maintain your weight then you will only eat the amounts of calories that you require to maintain your weight.

If you want to gain/lose weight, then you should consume more/fewer calories than your daily consumption of calories.

How to Find The Number of Calories That

You Burn From BMR Value?

The number of calories that you burn depends on your daily activities.

1) Sedentary Lifestyle (little or no exercise):

If you live a sedentary lifestyle then you tend to burn 1.2 times calorie daily than your BMR value.

For example, if your BMR is 2000 calories/day and if you are living a sedentary life. Then you generally tend to burn 2000*1.2 = 2400 calories/day.

Now, if you want to lose weight then you have to consume less than 2400 calories/day.

If you want to increase your weight then you have to intake more than 2400 calories/day because your body is consuming 2400 calories per day so you have to eat more than it in order to increase weight.

2) Lightly Active (Exercise 1-3 times a week)

You tend to burn 1.37 times calorie daily than your BMR value.

3) Moderately Active (Exercise 3-5 times a week)

You tend to burn 1.55 times calorie daily than your BMR value.

4) Very Active (Intense Exercise 6-7 times a week)

You tend to burn 1.725 times calorie daily than your BMR value.

5) Extremely Active ( Very hard exercises daily or a physical job)

If you perform hard exercises daily or you are doing a job that includes lots of physical work then you tend to burn 1.9 times calorie daily than your BMR value.


3. Criteria For The Perfect Measurement of BMR

Look, you just enter the data of your age, gender, height, and weight and you get the value of your BMR. But there are certain conditions in which the calculated data is said to be true.

These conditions are,

  • You have to be in a physically and psychologically undisturbed state.
  • Your digestion system should not be active at the time. (Post-absorptive state)
  • Your body should only rest in a thermally neutral (temperate) environment.

This means that if these conditions are satisfied then only the minimum calorie required to do basic functions will be true otherwise it will get changed according to the situation.

Standard BMI Calculator

4. Formula to Find BMR

The standard formula to find the value of Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) is,

1) For Men:

  • BMR = 88.362 + (13.397 x weight in kg) + (4.799 x height in cm) – (5.677 x age in years)

2) For Women:

  • BMR = 447.593 + (9.247 x weight in kg) + (3.098 x height in cm) – (4.330 x age in years)

Both these formulas are called the Harris-Benedict formula. The BMR Calculator provided here uses these formulas to calculate your BMR.

5. What is the Difference Between BMR & RMR?

When you research for BMR, you also come across a term called RMR (Resting Metabolic Rate). They both are nearly the same.

But is there any difference between them?

Of course, there is a little difference between them.

While BMR gives you the minimum number of calories that you need to perform the basic function, RMR gives you how many calories you actually burn to perform the basic function.

So, we can say that RMR is the precise version of BMR. Though there is a difference between them, generally they both are very near to each other for most of the person.

RMR is also called REE (Resting Energy Expenditure).

6. Why BMR Values of Men & Women Are Different?

We know that the BMI (Body Mass Index) value of both genders is the same. Then why there is a difference between the values of BMR in males and females.

The answer is,

Males have a greater BMR value because of body composition differences. Males have more lean body mass, which requires more calories to maintain.

Women also tend to have a slower metabolism than men therefore the values of BMR for men and women are calculated differently.

(Check Your BMI Value Here)

7. On Which Factors does Your BMR Depend?

In a general manner, the value of BMR highly depends on your lean muscle mass. It is because your body requires a lot of energy to maintain your muscle mass.

So any factor that will affect your muscle mass, affect your BMR value.

Here, we will discuss certain factors that can affect your BMR.

1) Age

Your BMR value tends to decrease with age because of the loss of muscle mass as well as hormonal and neurological changes.

2) Gender

It is seen that males have higher values of BMR than females because females have a slower metabolism as compared to males.

3) The Size of the Body

If the size of the body is larger then the amount of metabolizing tissues will be higher and so is the BMR value.

4) Surrounding Temperature

If the temperature of the area in which you are living is high or low then your body has to put much effort to control the temperature of your body which increases the BMR value.

5) Fasting or Dieting

When you remain in a calorie deficit for a longer period then your body slows down its metabolism to conserve the energy. Therefore, your BMR value reduces.

6) The Growth Stage

It is generally seen in children. When the children are in the growth stage, they need more energy to fulfill the energy need of the body which increases the BMR value.

7) Genes

Your genetics plays a great role in deciding your BMR value.

8) Iodine Deficiency

If your diet is low in iodine then it reduces the thyroid function and slows down the metabolism which lowers your BMR value.

9) Disease

If you are suffering from any disease or diseases then your body has to perform extra works which can affect your BMR value.

10) Excess Intake of Caffeine and Nicotine

If your consumption of caffeine and nicotine is high then there is a chance that your BMR value will be high.

11) Your Daily Activities

Your BMR value highly depends on your daily activities. If you exercise regularly then your body needs much more energy to maintain your lean muscles which leads to an increment in BMR values.

These are several common factors that tend to affect your BMR values.

8. Ideal BMR Should Be High or Low?

Well, there should no such comparisons.

Because high BMR means your body needs more calories to perform the basic functions whereas low BMR means your metabolism is slow and you need low calories to perform basic functions on daily basis.

So there can’t be such a comparison of what is good or bad.

But you have to make sure if you are a normal person wanting to be fit and healthy then you shouldn’t consume more calories than you burn.

That’s why we calculate our BMR.

The Bottom Line

Knowing the Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) value of your body can help you a lot in making the decision regarding your weight.

With the use of BMR value, you can easily decide your daily calorie burn and how many calories you should intake to reach your desired goal.

If you find our BMR calculator and this information to be useful then don’t forget to share them with your friends.

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